11 hrs agoLiked by Jenny Hart

I'm an ex-Californian Dem for 57 years, I've left Ca. For a red state and happy I did, I also changed political parties the Democrat party is unrecognizable from what it used to be. DJT offer's so much more than the other one. We were much better off 4 years ago with him, I feel like we're living in a 3rd world country and I feel we need to get our country back this election or it might be to late. I'm glad you're voting that's so important, thank you!

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Welcome to the wild side! 😆

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12 hrs agoLiked by Jenny Hart

With the national debt increasing by a trillion dollars every 100 days or so, as shown on the FRED charts, $10 bananas may not be very far away. I'm hoping for $5000 gold.

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We are living in a bonkers timeline!

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11 hrs agoLiked by Jenny Hart

We always have been. More of us are opening our eyes to it than ever before in their lives.

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Yes please vote every vote for DJT is important. But we also need to retire almost all of the DC Rino republicans as they are actually fight against us in everything that’s important. As to the out of control federal budget. If Harris is in power the NEO CONS and the military industrial complex along with the intelligence agency’s will push Putin into making a horrible mistake that includes nuclear weapons being used. Once that happens the budget no longer matters. So the real reason to vote for DJT is to stop WWIII and the end of western civilization.

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One of the main characteristics of a fascist government is the squashing of free speech. I, too, am voting for Trump.

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Sorry, I stopped reading after you stated "completely changed my stances on legalized pot. I really don’t think people are jumping from weed to crystal meth."

"help for working moms in the form of subsidized maternity leave or childcare (everyone else is getting subsidized, why are moms LAST??). Maybe we take some of that foreign aid money and give it to mothers working 2-3 jobs"

All pot users may not be jumping to crystal meth, but some are, do they not matter? And we've now made pot (drugs) too available and too acceptable. We needed to keep the use of pot in a box. We are losing our kids, and a whole generation to mind numbing destruction. Then the number of those who experience dangerous pot induced schizophrenia has increased dramatically. Do they matter? Do their families matter? Do their victims matter? My little town of under 10,000 people now has 6 dispensaries. Do you really think that is a good thing for any community?

And really, for someone who says " the government only makes things worse" thinks that taxes or employers should pay for maternity leave and child care? Free markets and economic freedom are the proven solution, never government mandates. Its all just more slippery slope. The taxes, fees and regulations is what made it necessary for women to have to work when they have a family. So, more taxes, fees and regulations are the answer? This is not well thought out. This is the solution from leftists that got us into these messes. Very disappointing.

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I'm with you, and I'm also never rolling up my sleeve for any globalist vaccine mandates.

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I agree. We must vote based on policy rather than personality

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How can anyone with your views about the lockdowns, closures, masking tomfoolery and iatrogenic jabs consider voting for any of the major candidates? The lockdowns, closures and masking idiocy occurred under Trump's aegis. The Donald still loudly brags about all the lives he saved (?!?) with his Warp Speed agenda. And freedom of speech? Have you already forgotten Trump's comments about what should be done to the peaceful pro-Palestinian protestors on college campuses?

And Kamakameleon? OMG, don't even get me started.

A better use of your voice would be to encourage a nationwide push to write in NOTA (none-of-the-above). What a glorious victory for freedom of speech and liberty if on the evening of November 5th, all the networks declared NOTA as the winner.

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This is not a realistic strategy

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Actually, the unrealistic strategy is to continue holding your nose and voting for who you perceive to be the lesser of two evils and telling yourself that this time it really will make a difference. It's the classical definition of insanity personified.

Polling consistently shows that an overwhelming majority of voters detest BOTH major candidates. Why not promote the best way for them to express their disdain and to send a loud-and-clear message to DC that we're not going to take it anymore?

What better way to unite the country than to give a giant middle finger to all the corrupt kakistocrats in DC?

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

I'm in California as well, I don't believe that Trump can ever win the state. I would, perhaps, consider strategically voting for RFK Jr, he's still on the ballot. I don't believe he can win the national election but if we wins 1-2 large deep blue states, it would give the national victory to Trump by taking away Electoral College votes from Kamala. It's a long shot but California has a history with Harris, had the worst lockdowns and provides more Electoral College votes than the 3 swing states Pennsylvania + Michigan + Wisconsin combined.

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California has a pretty strong paid maternity leave policy, whereas most “conservative” states do not. 10-12 weeks of disability plus 8 weeks of family leave at 70% of the past 18 months salary is what the system was when I left California. But is this not the type of program American conservatives would find problematic?

What I do not get is the whole American healthcare system. Where I live now, there is a public system everyone is entitled to use, plus private options for those who want them. So there is a social safety net, but there are options within the system. If you are in California and have extra costs due to maternity care not covered by insurance and exceeding $500, there is this program (state-subsidized!) that may help: https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/eligibility/MCAP/Pages/Medi-CalAccessProgram.aspx

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